Thursday, December 28, 2006

December 27

Today was one of those days where I was faced with the question, "Is it even worth getting cleaned up?" There was literally NOTHING to do this afternoon. I watched two movies, played video games, worked out, played drums, ate food. Those are pretty much the major events of my house. I talked to Kelsey in the afternoon, but she needed to go shopping with Nathan...and I mean, me and her have done that 4 or 5 times since we've been on break. That and go get lost in the country east of Springfield.

Ah well. By 5 o'clock I was cleaned up and watched some tv with my Dad. We then had dinner: hamburgers on sweet, big dinner rolls. It was surprisingly really tasty. I got online and found Kelsey. We both wanted and needed to do something. We planned out to meet at the mall, then see a movie. Drove with the family to the mall and got a pair of jeans at the Gap. Then her and Allison met me at the theater for the 7.30 showing of "The Prestige". Pretty alright/good movie. It didn't blow me away, but it was definitely not awful. It had some very smart and witty plot turns. I liked it.

Back to my house afterwards, we ate cookies and watched the rest of Collateral. Awesome.

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