Now I'm still learning how to work it but Im quickly learning..I think.

Today I woke up to "Justin Fedex is here!" I scrambled out of bed and went to the kitchen to find this huge box on the island. Yes, it was my camera. I opened it all up. It was awesome. I only got to play with it for a little bit due to work at 12-4.
I worked. It started sorming right at the end of my shift, so I didn't get off but I got all my hours in for the money.
When I came home I read through my camera's manual and took lots of test pictures and changed knobs and dials. It's funn.
Later after dinner Kelsey came to hang out. She liked the camera. We put some music on her new iPod and then headed downtown to see if we could find any bands playing. No luck at Holy Grounds or BS, so we checked at the place on the corner on South Grand. There was these punk bands playing. It looked alright, so we hurried inside. The music was...meh. The people were a bit scary and we pretty much isolated ourselves. It was alright as something to do tho.
On the way home we stopped and did some time exposures on the bridge over I55 near my house. They turned out cool and it taught my the "ways" of my camera more.
I think I'll stay online a bit longer then go to bed and work my way to the end of "Catcher in the Rye".
Oh, my camera needs a name. Any suggestions??
how about...
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