Got up early and headed to Champaign for summer registration.
We took a shuttle to the student union from the parking lot. I guess we were late because there had to be 500 other people already seated. Some people gave some speeches, and then we were handed materials and sent off to different areas. I split up with my Dad. I headed to Gregory Hall? (I'm still learning) for the LAS introduction. This crazy cool British dean gave us a fun lecture on what the day will hold for us. What type of classes we'll be taking, what we'll need to take, how many electives we'll have, and just a basic overview of our first year.
After that we were again split into smaller groups to meet with your "Academic Advisor". We met in the Foreign Language building. There were 4 other kids in my group. They were all cool. We talked about our placement scores and what courses we will take as a result of them. She also handed us a time that we were supposed to meet her to schedule our courses.
I walked to lunch with some kids I met in the Foreign Lang building. Both girls were from Chicago. They were really nice, it's fun to meet new people! We walked into the Student Union for lunch but we didn't find our parents so we found a table. Eventually I got too hungry and tired of waiting for my Dad, so I got up and grabbed my lunch. Pizza!? Yum.
I said goodbye to my new found friends, maybe to find them again someday. Before heading to my appointment, we stopped and had my I-Card (ID) made. It's not the best picture in the world. My Dad had showed up and we walked to the building I was told to meet at at 1. I went in and upstairs to find my advisor. So I sat down and she just sat there, looking at me, waiting for me to tell her what I wanted to take. I was so scared! I didn't know what to take. I sort of figured it out - good thing I did my "summer homework". I imputed a rough scheduled, knowing full well I'd def need to go home and read through the course book and GenEd requirment to rechoose my classes.
We couldn't find a bus so we freakin' WALKED all the way back to the lot. It's pretty damn far. The car ride home was nice and quiet. I looked through my course book and read/listened to my iPod.
Around dinner after we got home we met up with my neighbors to celebrate my Dad's birthday. We went to the Mexican restaurant. It was cool. I left a bit early to head out to the beach house for one of my friend's birthday parties. His band was playing, but there was food and treats. All was good.
I came home and reviewed my scheduled once more, changing..tweaking a bit more because after midnight I can't change anymore.
WHEW. This update was too long but I just kept typing. I'm off to bed to read some or sleep. I soon start my weeks of work everday and then my second job kicks in. Lucky me.
Check your email!
that sunset kicks
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