So everyone just had to go in at 8.30 for group pictures with caps and gowns, but I'm in JAZZzz Band. So, ugh. I had to be there at 7.15 for pratice. I shouldn't have gone.
Anyway the morning thing at school went well and everyone was pretty much in a good mood. School only lasted a half hour, so by 9 we were all deciding what to do with our full day of sunshine. And what else is there to do then...A Bike ride/Picnic?! Yay.
It was funn. I had never been to the old covered bridge before. Lots of pictures today.
Work from 3.30-7.30. I worked on my photography project on breaks and/or read the national geographic my grandma now sends me.

Psh. I bet our bikeride was more hardcorezxxxde than yours!
love em
3rd is my fav
Excellent, love it! » »
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