Mr. Burns is definitely my favorite teacher now. He knows so much about like, everything. And he dresses nicely lol.
I took a little walk outside before dinner. The sky was gray and everything was dark, so I didn't get any super good shots.
I played my drums today for the first time in a couple weeks. It was funnnnzz.
Now, I'm getting ready for an easy day tomorrow and gonna fall asleep watching Casablanca. I was telling evan about it and it made me wanna watch it. SooSo good.
So, change of plans. UofI on Friday.

lol.. if you were still a freshman, you'd HATE Mr. Burns and his cool schoolboy style.
Poor dying dog. I want to pet him so badly.
And hopefully we can hang out tomorrow. But we might not be able to 'cos our friends are out of control.
hahaha cutest dog ever
and that sign kicks
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