Brunch at Noon, followed by a bunch of paper writing and econ hw. Amazingly I finished my history paper...which isn't due to Thursday btw!..and my online econ hw too. The rest of the week I just need to worry about my essay quiz on Wed for econ, shouldn't be too bad.
Im getting really excited for Thanksgiving break for some reason. Most likely getting a Wii and playing for hours and hours, but seeing family too. And lots of friends, gonna hit up Bond Friday night I think (007!). And food of course! Yummy. But I really love the fact that there's no school for a full week too. Way cool
The rest of my Sunday was dinner with Ria, then hang out time with Steph and everyone. Later I went to the cafe with Gina. On the way back to Allen we stopped to say hello to her brother and find this cable for her, we found it.
The week will go fast.
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