My room!
Today was good.
Slept in, had late breakfast and met new friends, took a tour of rooms, walked to the Quad and back.
Hung out with kids across the hall, Dinner with new/cool kids, wasted time 'till the All Nighter at the Union.
Called up Virginia and her friends, they came down. Walked over with Kristin and kids from across the hall.
All Nighter was sorta lame, but interesting to see all the people. All the lines to do any activities were way too long. I heard the hypnotist was sweet tho.
Couldn't figure out what to do, so just hung out back at Allen waiting for something to do. We were gonna chill in my room, but my roommate was asleep...yeah. So we went up to Kristins. People stopped by and chatted, Met more people. Some party kids came in and it was funny, haha. I just layed on Kristin's bed and chatted 'till almost 3.45am. Everyone was out, and dead tired.
Soo...I'll be sleeping in 'till way late probably, then doing Idk what. Later
Yours is cute.
But mine is like CUTE.
Killers much? lol
Omg you brought my box!!!!!
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