I slept in till almost noon. I was sooo tired and needed to catch up on sleep/rest.
I layed down and watched tv for a bit and had a cinnamon roll. Yum.
Talked to Ryan, he wanted to go out on the lake. So I forced him to take us out on his boat, I called Erik and Lesley. Michelle was there when we got there. We piled onto the boat with Ryan's parents, stopped off at my house to get my tube then had some fun. Tubing was awesome, hadn't done that in a while. Then we got the jet skiis going and road them around. Stopped by Carolyn's house later and we all swam it up and had some yummy brownies. At almost 5 I had to head home, said our goodbyes and road home.
Erik stayed for dinner. Hamburgers with gparents.
Afterward, Kelsey came about desert time then we hung out. Later decided to chill and take pics so we drove to Eriks house. We ended up staying there and watching youtube and myspace vids, Oh and this crazy 911 conspiracy things. Weeiirrd.
Tomorrow it's back to work downtown...wooottt...>>
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