I took it easy in the morning. Then Kelsey came and we went shopping. First tho, we played video games and she KILLED me in Soul Calibur2. She had like never played the game before. She used Cervantes and ripped me apart. It was crazy.
Anyway, I got a swimsuit and some glasses. On the way home we stopped in a field of flowers. It was beautiful.
Granparents came for hamburgers. After dinner I finished up my World Affairs paper..turn it in tomorrow. Around 9, I got a call from Ryan telling me he's picking me up and we're going to BN. I was like, Ok lol. Kristin and Clayton went too. We went crazy as usual. Fun times.
Tomorrow grad practice around 12.45, but I think we're meeting at the school at 11 and going out to lunch. Perhaps a picnic?!

lol omg I'm so good at Soul Calibur.
i've got the flower bug as well
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